Friday, October 31, 2008

Welcome to Points on Style!

Welcome to my new blog, where I will post (probably) random bits and rants on style. Not 'style' as in 'fashion', but writing style. I'll talk about grammar, punctuation, spelling, and so forth. I'll also talk on different types of style, such as business, technical, Canadian, American, or fiction -- if I feel like it. I may even answer questions on any of these subjects. If I don't know the answer, chances are I can find it somewhere on this wonderful hinterland called the Internet, or in a print resource like a style guide or dictionary.

I'm a strange type of person: a linguaphile, a person who loves language and words. I also enjoy putting words together in various manners to get an idea across. Yes, I'm a writer. I know Canadian Press style quite well, but I do have access to other style guides, as well. In fact, I read style guides for pleasure (did I mention I'm a strange person?). Don't be surprised if the first blog posts become rants at some English misusage or other but as I get questions (both on and off the blog) I hope this may become a more educational tool.

So, welcome to Points on Style. I hope you enjoy your visits here.


NewGuyDave said...

Hey BJ,
Dave here from OWW. Ahem, lord of assassins and such. Anyways, saw you on Lit Soup the other day and thus the link to your blog.

Keep plugging away on the writing. Where in the prairies are you? I grew up in the Peg and live in Toontown for 7 years.


Mark Malcolm said...

You recently commented on my work at OWW (All that Glitters Chapter 2)and I wanted to discuss some things, if possible. However, you have no email address on your profile there. If you're open to discussion, please drop me a line to the address on my profile so we can talk. Thanks for the review by the way.

BJ said...

Oh, wow. Blogger hasn't been telling me I'm getting comments! I'll have to check into that. Nice to see you both here!

Dave, I'm in the Queen City and have been for a long time, but I grew up in small towns across the prairies. In MB, I lived in Swan River and Steinbach. I also took my first year university in Toontown.

Are you still in the 'toon?

NewGuyDave said...

We moved from Toontown, or the Bridge City, to Connecticut last September. Things are great. I just wish I could finish this novel.

BJ said...

That's one thing to say for the prairie winters -- when it's 40 below, there's nothing to do but stay inside and write -- especially when the car won't start and it's too cold to stand at the bus stop...

However, that hasn't been the case so far this year. Hardly anything below -10C, and this week we've even had temps above freezing. Some people may not find this remarkable, but anyone from Saskatchewan would.