Thursday, October 9, 2014

I have my own website now!

Thanks for keeping an eye on this blog for me while I've been sorting my life out. Part of that sorting has included building myself a website. I have three blogs, and all three can be accessed on my website.

So, if you'd like to continue seeing what I post in Points on Style, or either of my other two blogs: Science for Information or The Word in Writing, please hop on over to:

Thanks again, and I hope you find all sorts of interesting things at the new website!

-- BJ

1 comment:

Joshua Price said...

Your new site looks adorable. I’m sure it has made it easier for you to get new viewers and possible clients. Anyway, how are things coming along? I hope you’ve been getting good feedbacks about it. Thanks for sharing this with us. All the best!

Joshua Price @ Branding First Inc.